06 June 2019 News Regulation of the design and construction of light steel thin-walled structures (LSTC). Tatyana Nazmeeva, Project Manager of the Engineering Center for the Association for the Development of Steel Construction (ARSS), spoke on the development of the regulatory and technical base for the design and construction of LSTC for the growth of low-rise construction in the regions of the Russian Federation at the 1st All-Russian Forum "Low-rise Construction in Russia". Tatyana Nazmeeva focused on the specifics of the implementation of federal programs and low-rise construction in the regions. She also presented a program of work on the regulatory framework of LSTC for 2018. Among the works with high priority in the program were the revision of SP 28.133330 "Protection of building structures against corrosion" with the aim of removing restrictions and expanding the scope of applications, developing state standards for fasteners (self-tapping screws and rivets ) for LSTC in order to protect the technology from discredit. In 2018, the LSTC division and the LSTC development program for 2018–2020 were created at ARSS. By link: http://www.fastinfo.ru/news1/razrabotka_gostov_na_krepyozh_v_chisle_prioritetnyh_napravlenij_po_razvitiyu_normativno-tehnicheskoj_bazy_dlya_proektirovaniya_i/